How secure your OTP ( one-time password ) is | Read this article and think twice

No matter if you are a online banking or a mobile banking user, a gmail account user or a facebook account user we all are familiar with the word OTP ( one-time password ). Yes it is the password that gives your online banking or your social networking account a much more better security that we had before. Now a day one-time password ( OTP ) are most popular feature of most of the Banks through which a user verifies its identity using OTP that has been sent to their registered mobile number that they had provided to the bank at the time of account opening in the bank. Not only the banks but also the Social Networking Services like Facebook, Email Services like Gmail started using OTP ( one-time password ) as a two step verification to help their users to secure it from the hackers. With no doubt OTP ( one-time password ) is secure cause when you try to log in to your online bank service or to a shopping website or to your social networking website first you need to fill up your email ...