China is going to launch artificial moon that will light up night skies and urban areas
Strange but true that china is going to launch their own artificial moon by 2020 that will light up the night skies and urban areas. This artificial moon like satellite will replace the streetlamps and lower the electricity costs in urban areas, according to China Daily a city in south western Sichuan Province, Chengdu is developing artificial satellite which will shine with the real moon in the sky but eight times brighter. The first man-made moon or artificial moon will be launched from Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Sichuan, with three more to follow in 2022 if the first test goes well. Though the first launch will be for experiment purpose only, the artificial moon that they will launch in the year 2022 will be the real deal with great civic and and commercial potential. But how will this artificial moon work. Well the answer is pretty simple, this artificial moon will work exactly like our real moon works. It will use the light coming from the Sun and will r...