What is Quantum computer, this article will help you to understand it properly | Read Now

To understand the concept of quantum computer and quantum computing you first should have a little knowledge about the quantum mechanics because this type of computers use quantum mechanical phenomena.  

So first of all lets jump into the topic what quantum mechanics is. Many of you may or may not know that this topic is related to subatomic particles, their motion, their interaction, mathematical description of motion of these subatomic particles etc. Quantum mechanics also known as Quantum physics or Quantum theory.  This part of physics deals with very small particles and the science related to them. Some theory that classical science or physics could not explain, this modern theory of physics can easily explain.  

As an example light behaves like both particle and wave. Only with quantum physics you can show that light behaves like a particle that is PHOTONS. A single photon is a quantum or smallest observable amount. Now i hope you have a little bit knowledge about quantum physics so now let's get into the main topic of today what Quantum Computer is.  

Quantum Computer: Quantum Computer or quantum computing applies the properties of quantum physics. As we all know our regular computers use bits but quantum computers use something called quantum bits or qubits and using qubits it is possible to store enormous amount of data or information and it uses less energy than a regular computer.  

Regular Computer works on binary digits that is 0 and 1 but Quantum Computer works on the facts that is happening in the microscopic world. So their basic working principle is totally different from each other.  

Hope this short article helps you to understand the concept of Quantum Computer clearly. Thanks for reading :)  

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