
Showing posts from April, 2019

What Your Poop Color ( and looks ) Says About Your Health | You should know

We all poop daily and we have been doing this since a day or two day after our birth. The first poo of a newborn baby is called meconium and it is a good sign as it indicates that digestion process is working properly in the newborn child.  But many of us do not know that the color of our poop does have a meaning and sometimes it shows what horrible thing is going to happen in our body. There is something called "Bristol stool scale" which is a diagnostic medical tool designed to classify the form of human feces. We see the use of Bristol stool scale in both clinical and experimental field.  Image Source: Wikipedia  You can probably identify the shape of your poop today from the above photo and it will definitely help you to understand if you have any problem.  But not only the shape of your poop but also the color of it says about your Health. And we are going to discuss on it now.  Green Poop: Green poop or greenish poop is normal if it is due to the green veg...

Why you really should cover your laptop Camera or Webcam with tape | Must Read

I have seen many people call it "paranoid" when they see, someone has covered their laptop camera with a piece of tape. But do you know it is one of the smartest way to protect your privacy. Wondering how ? Well, we will get into that topic soon. First of all you need to check this photo of Mark Zuckerberg where you can clearly see him doing the same what we are discussing here in this article.  Not only Mark Zuckerberg but also  Edward Snowden, former FBI director James Comey, all these celebrities and heads of state are using tape on their laptop cameras. FBI director James Comey admitted in a conference that Government officers in the US cover their webcams so that  “people who don’t have authority don’t look at you. I think that's a good thing.” - he said.  But why are they so concerned about it and should we do the same. The very correct answer is  yes if you do not follow some of the cyber security rules. If you download files from any sources on the inter...

This Fat-Burning Vegetable will blow your mind | Start your summer weight loss

Many of us may have worked extra hard before this summer just to reach the weight loss goals. Are you one of them ? Yes it is Summer time and it is the time to flaunt all the stylish and short dresses. Not just work out but we all know that what we eat is also important. If you are a healthy person who works out everyday and follows  workout nutrition strategies   you probably do not need to follow this. But what about them who are too lazy to go to the gym :)  Belly fat is not just an eyesore but growing abdominal fat is also harmful for our body and it has a direct impact on our personality.  You probably have already read many articles on fat burning foods on the internet and you probably already know about the list of foods that can boost your metabolism and can help you to lose fat and body weight. Well that's great!  But in this article you are going to know about a vegetable that you might already know of but i am sure that you do not know about its' fat-...

How the World's first ever Black Hole image was captured | Happy Reading

How the World's first ever Black Hole image was captured | Do you think it is so easy to capture a Black Hole image through a World's most powerful Telescope ? If you think yes then you are wrong. The closest Black Hole from Earth what we know of is V616  Monocerotis and it is located about 3000 light years away from Earth and almost 10-14 times of the mass of the Sun. But when it comes to capture a Black Hole image, distance is not the only factor that matters. Right position is also needed to capture a proper image of it. Many of you may or may not know that our Milky Way Galaxy is a spiral galaxy, filled with hundreds of billions of stars and they are arranged like a flat disc. So it was complicated to capture our own Milky Way's Black Hole.  So scientists finally selected The Supermassive black hole at the center of Messier 87 Galaxy to capture the first ever image. Messier 87 galaxy is the largest galaxy that we know of and about 54 million light years away. The black ...

Why don't spiders run out of silk | Ask yourself

Though the answer is pretty simple but for some people this is confusing. So if you are scratching your head just to find out the right answer you are probably in the right place. All your confusion will be gone soon.   Silk is the reaction of protein that is produced on demand. Spiders catch prey with the help of their silk and then they inject a venom into that insect to paralyze it. The paralyzed insect does not die instantly but slowly so it remains fresh. The venom that spiders inject into the prey actually liquefies it and then they suck the liquid protein part inside the insect and leave the dry hard skeleton of that insect behind. Spiders eat everything that has got protein inside it and this protein actually helps them to reproduce the silk when it is needed.   Spiders have the glands on the back of their abdomen where the silk is produced. When they catch prey and suck the protein juice in it and absorb it then the proteins go to the glands at the back end of the spi...

Amazing facts about Jellyfish | Wonderfully Weird !

Jellyfish which is also known as Sea Jellies are found all over the world, from surface waters to the deep sea. The body of the jellyfish is made up of a jelly-like substance called mesoglea which is a non-living material. And this jelly-like substance is surrounded by a one cell thick layer of skin. Almost 90% of body of the jellyfish is made up of water.  There are almost 2000 different species of jellyfish have already been found. The size of jellyfish can be different, the main feature of a jellyfish is the umbrella-shaped Bell which is the actually jelly-like substance and the smallest one can have a Bell disk from 0.5 millimeter to a few millimeters in diameter. The largest jellyfish The Lion's Mane Jellyfish which is also known as the Giant Jellyfish probably the longest animal in the World. Did you know that ? It is even longer than the Blue Whale.  The life cycle of a Jellyfish is mainly divided into four parts. When they are born they are called Planula Larva and it ...

Does HTTPS before a Website URL mean a Safe Site | Daily Learning Special Post

When we visit different websites we often see a green lock icon with the word "Secure" to the very left of a URL in the Web Browser's search bar and we see it only if that website is a https site. HTTPS stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure and this internet communication protocol protects the confidentiality of data between an internet user and the website so it means a secure connection between that internet user and the website he or she visited. But does this https before a website url really mean a website is safe ?  The answer is NO. In a single sentence "a secure connection does not mean a secure site". So if you are seeing this green lock icon with the word "secure" before any website url it means the confidentiality of data no matter what you share with that website are protected and secure, no third person would be able to see them when the data are being transferred from the user to the website server but that website may or may not ...

10 Phobias You Never Knew Actually Existed | They are real !

Ten Phobias You Never Knew Actually Existed | There are many phobias that we don't know about but they actually exist in real and in this article we will discuss on 10 interesting phobias that you never knew actually existed.   But what is Phobia ??  A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder, defined by a persistent and excessive fear of an object or situation.  If that feared object or situation cannot be avoided, the affected person experiences significant distress.  1.  Triskaidekaphobia- fear of the number 13  Number 13 often considered as unlucky number by many of us but that is a different concept. In some cases few people have fully fledged Phobia. People suffering from this phobia always take great care to avoid doing anything that is related to this number. strange? But True.  2.  Omphalophobia- fear of the navel  People suffering from omphalophobia are afraid of their bellybutton or navel being touched or to touch another person's bell...