10 Phobias You Never Knew Actually Existed | They are real !

Ten Phobias You Never Knew Actually Existed | There are many phobias that we don't know about but they actually exist in real and in this article we will discuss on 10 interesting phobias that you never knew actually existed.  

But what is Phobia ?? 

A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder, defined by a persistent and excessive fear of an object or situation. 
If that feared object or situation cannot be avoided, the affected person experiences significant distress. 

1. Triskaidekaphobia- fear of the number 13 
Number 13 often considered as unlucky number by many of us but that is a different concept. In some cases few people have fully fledged Phobia. People suffering from this phobia always take great care to avoid doing anything that is related to this number. strange? But True. 

2. Omphalophobia- fear of the navel 
People suffering from omphalophobia are afraid of their bellybutton or navel being touched or to touch another person's belly button. Sufferers easily get extremely scared just by seeing or thinking about a Bellybutton. 

3. Trypophobia- fear of holes 
This phobia is no more unknown because many articles have already been written on this topic. People suffering from this phobia have great fear of Objects with small holes. Honeycomb, plants with many holes on it, tiny holes on sponges all are the examples of feared objects.  

4. Pogonophobia- fear of beards 
Strong fear of beards known as pogonophobia. People suffering from this phobia have great fear of beards. Weird? But true. 

5. Somniphobia- fear of falling asleep  
Excessive fear of sleep known as somniphobia. Sufferers associate going to bed with dying. It also causes repeated nightmare. 

6. Coulrophobia – fear of clowns 
It is relatively common phobia. Extreme fear of scary clowns often been shown in the movies and it is usually present in the children. Popular celebrity Johnny Depp also a sufferer of this type of phobia. 

7. Turophobia- fear of cheese 
People who are suffering from this type of phobia may fear either a piece of cheese or cheese altogether. 

8. Ombrophobia- fear of rain 
Abnormal fear of rain that causes severe anxiety attack known as a phobia called ombrophobia.  

9. Pogonophobia- fear of beards 
This is not so common but there is a phobia called pogonophobia. People who are suffering from this have a extreme fear of beards. 

10. Papaphobia- fear of the pope 
This type of phobia is uncommon. Sufferers have fear or dislike of pope or saints or holy things. 


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