Navy pilots reported UFO encounters on an almost daily basis in 2014 and 2015 | UFO confirmed

Unidentified Flying Object - UFO is an object observed in the sky that is not identified. From an another point of view some people believe that these unidentified flying objects are actually spacecrafts from some other planets. It has been the subject of investigation by various governments who have provided records related to this subject. Many a time UFOs are nothing but misidentified secret military crafts, hoaxes or delusion. But not all the time, there are concrete evidences that whatever these objects are, they are capable of extraordinary speeds and maneuvers. Some of them were tracked on military radar too. 

Are we alone in the Universe? Unfortunately neither of the answers from the space scientists feel adequate. Time to time scientists admit that extraterrestrials may have already visited the Earth long ago or may be they are still visiting the Earth but there has never been a straight answer from NASA or from the scientists. These ufos could be the evidences for the visitation of extraterrestrial beings to earth but until the science will confirm this, it will remain a mystery for us. 

In 1947 the first well-known UFO sighting occurred when Kenneth Arnold who was a businessman claimed to see a group of high-speed objects near Mount Rainier in Washington while flying his small plane. There are thousands of other UFO evidences available on the internet that prove this phenomenon is real. 

Navy Pilots Seen UFOs flying at hypersonic speeds: 

In the year 2014 and 2015 some US Navy pilots seen UFOs while training over the East Coast and they said this in a recent New York Times report. The sightings were reported to the Pentagon's shadowy Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. 

But what did they see ? The pilots told that the objects they saw has no visible engine or infrared exhaust plumes, moreover those objects were reaching at least 30,000 feet from the ground and was moving at hypersonic speeds. Those objects were seen performing maneuvers that were beyond our science like stopping rapidly, turning instantly or immediately accelerating at hypersonic speeds, the pilots said. 

A super Hornet pilot said he almost hit one of the objects in late 2014 which looked like a sphere encasing a cube. 

Lt. Danny Accoin, another pilot said he could identify a flying object on his radar and infrared camera but couldn't see it in his helmet camera. 


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